UK Visa And Immigration Support



If you are an organisation wishing to employ foreign workers, you must first obtain a sponsor licence. If your application for Sponsor Licence is successful, you will be able to hire skilled workers from outside the UK.
Your organisation must assume a number of compliance duties to manage your Sponsor Licence and to monitor your sponsored workers. Your licence may be downgraded, suspended, or withdrawn if you do not follow the compliance duties.
The application process for Sponsor Licence consists of ensuring that your HR and internal recruitment meets the relevant Home Office recruitments, preparing your supporting documents for the Home Office review, and an online application. You may be also subject to a compliance visit by the Home Office to carry out extensive checks to establish your company’s trustworthiness before granting Sponsor Licence.
Your Sponsor Licence will be valid for 4 years, after which you can apply to extend it. Once you obtain your Sponsor Licence, your organisation will be placed on the List of Registered Sponsors regularly updated by the Home Office. You will receive a licence rating and permission to assign Certificates of Sponsorship (CoS) to enable you to employ eligible skilled workers.


Depending on the nature and length of employment offered by you to your potential foreign employees, you can apply for either (or both) of the two types of licence:


A ‘Worker’ licence will enable you to employ skilled workers on a long-term or permanent basis. There are several categories of workers that can be employed under this licence:

Skilled Worker

Skilled Worker – the role must meet the job suitability requirements

Intra-company visas

Intra-company visas – this includes Intra-company Transfer and Intra-company Graduate Trainee, for multinational companies which need to transfer established employees or graduate trainees to the UK


If you wish to employ foreign workers on a temporary basis, you must obtain a Temporary Worker licence to sponsor them. The following categories of temporary workers can be sponsored under this licence:

Creative or Sporting Worker

Creative or Sporting Worker – to work as a high-level sportsperson (up to 1 year), entertainer or artist (up to 2 years)

Charity Worker

Charity Worker (up to 1 year)

Religious Worker

Religious Worker (2 years)

Government Authorised Exchange Worker

Government Authorised Exchange Worker– work experience (1 year), research projects or training, for example, practical medical or scientific training (2 years) to enable a short-term exchange of knowledge

International Agreement Worker

International Agreement Worker– where the worker is coming to do a job which is covered by international law, for example, employees of overseas governments.

Seasonal Worker

Seasonal Worker– for those coming to the UK for up to 6 months to do farm work

You can also use the Seasonal Worker visa to sponsor:

Have Questions?

Here we have tried to answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

How long does my company need to be trading in the UK before applying for a sponsor visa?

As soon as your company has established a genuine trading presence in the UK, has registered with the tax authorities, set up a company bank account and obtained employers liability insurance, you can apply for a Sponsor licence.

I don't have anyone specific to employ and sponsor. Can I still apply for a sponsor licence?

Yes, however the Home Office can apply a “genuineness” test to assess whether you should be granted a sponsor licence.

Does the main point of contact for the Home Office needs to be a British national?

No, this can be a person of any nationality provided that they have permission to work in the UK and is a senior employee or office holder in the company who is based and paid in the UK.

How long will the Sponsor licence be valid?

Your sponsor licence will be valid for 4 years, after which you can apply to extend it.

Will the Home Office visit my company's office?

The Home Office can visit any of your company’s offices, branches or client sites at any time. These visits can be pre-arranged or unannounced. If your company has been trading for less than 18 months it is likely they will undertake a visit before they approve the licence.

How much does it cost to apply for Sponsor licence?

The fee for sponsor licence application depends on the type of licence you are applying for and the type of your organisation. The table below summarises all the fees (from October 2021):

Type of licenceFee for small or charitable sponsorsFee for medium or large sponsors
Temporary Worker£536£536
Worker and Temporary Worker£536£1,476
Add a Worker licence to an existingNo fee£940
Temporary Worker licence  
Add a Temporary Worker licence to an existing Worker licenceNo feeNo fee

How do I know if my company is a small sponsor?

You’re usually a small sponsor if at least 2 of the following apply:

  • your annual turnover is £10.2 million or less
  • your total assets are worth £5.1 million or less
  • you have 50 employees or fewer

How long does it take to get a Sponsor license?

Most applications are processed in less than 8 weeks. Home Office may need to visit your business. You may be able to pay £500 to get a decision within 10 working days.